This second edition of Sexuality and Our Faith is a companion to Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Grades 4-6, Second Edition.
The second edition of Sexuality and Our Faith for grades 4-6 affirms church as a place to ask questions in the search for truth, meaning and understanding. This companion to the second edition of Our Whole Lives for grades 4-6 stresses love, justice, equity and responsibility as well as our need for support and nurturing. It contains Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ supplements, each grounding sexuality education in the participants’ own faith communities.
WORKSHOP ONESexuality and Values WORKSHOP TWOImages in Popular Culture WORKSHOP THREEBody Images WORKSHOP FOURChanges of Puberty WORKSHOP FIVEGender WORKSHOP SIXFeelings and Attractions WORKSHOP SEVENReproduction and Staying Healthy WORKSHOP EIGHTDecisions and Actions WORKSHOP NINEConsent and Peer Pressure WORKSHOP TENHealthy Relationships and Celebration!
Authors: Kirsten deFur, Amy Johnson
Price: $40.00