Reimagines a contemporary version of the Beloved Community that will inspire and unite Americans

Product Code: 5895
ISBN: 9781506464534
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Broadleaf Books
Pages: 272
Published Date: 09/14/2021
Availability: Not currently available.
(Backorder policy)
Price: $26.99

America is at a pivotal crossroads. The soul of our nation is at stake and in peril. A new public narrative is needed to unite Americans around common values and to counter the increasing discord and acrimony in our politics and culture. The process of healing and creating a more perfect union in our nation must start now. The moral vision of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Beloved Community, which animated and galvanized the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, provides a hopeful way forward.

In A More Perfect Union, Adam Russell Taylor, president of Sojourners, reimagines a contemporary version of the Beloved Community that will inspire and unite Americans across generations, geographic and class divides, racial and gender differences, faith traditions, and ideological leanings. In the Beloved Community, neither privilege nor punishment is tied to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or economic status, and everyone is able to realize their full potential and thrive. Building the Beloved Community requires living out a series of commitments, such as true equality, radical welcome, transformational interdependence, E Pluribus Unum (""out of many, one""), environmental stewardship, nonviolence, and economic equity. By building the Beloved Community we unify the country around a shared moral vision that transcends ideology and partisanship, tapping into our most sacred civic and religious values, enabling our nation to live up to its best ideals and realize a more perfect union.

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Foreword by United States Representative John Lewis

Part One The Vision of the Beloved Community
1. Embracing a Bigger Story of Us
2. Why America Must Be Reborn
3. E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One
4. Reimagining the Beloved Community

Part Two Building Blocks of the Beloved Community
5. Unmasking America’s Myths
6. Telling the Whole Truth to Set Us Free
7. Overcoming Toxic Polarization
8. Redeeming Patriotism

Part Three Beatitudes of the Beloved Community
9. Equiality: The Imago Dei Imperative
10. Radical Welcome
11. Ubuntu Interdependence
12. Prioritizing Nonviolence
13. Environmental Stewardship
14. Dignity for All
15. Revitalizing and Reinventing Democracy

Epilogue: Where Do We Go from Here?

Excerpt from the Introduction

“It is time to choose a path that acknowledges and repents for the ways we have failed to live up to America’s promise. It is time that we boldly pursue a shared vision of a future rooted in our most deeply held religious and civic values. It is time to embark with even greater urgency on the task of building the Beloved Community, which will enable us to achieve a more perfect union and a radically more just nation.”

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