23 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation.

Product Code: 6529
ISBN: 9781558967953
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Pages: 248
Size: 7 x 5
Published Date: 05/22/2017
Availability:In stock
Price: $14.00

These 23 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation. Featuring the writings of both clergy and laypeople, this vibrant collection demonstrates the many expressions of nature-based spirituality and the ways they feed the souls of so many. The essayists describe a broad array of practices, including Wiccan traditions, Neo-Pagan rituals and celebrations, worship of the divine feminine, and nature-based beliefs and practices that bring us into harmony and balance with our natural environment. Contributors also describe the development of nature-based theo/alogy within Unitarian Universalism—including the organization of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, the addition of the sixth Source to the UUA bylaws recognizing Earth-centered spirituality, and the integration of Pagan practices into congregational life.

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A Unitarian Universalist Journey into Paganism
Shirley Ann Ranck

Vibrant, Juicy, Contemporary: Or, Why I Am a UU Pagan
Margot Adler

Paths and Patterns
Misty Sheehan

Celebrating Seasons
Selena Fox

Pagan Depth in Unitarian Universalism
John Beckett

Touched by a Goddess
Om Prakash

Born of Earth
Jan Ögren

Amy Beltaine

Taking a Stand
Wesley Hildebrand

Finding Resolve in Liturgical Dilemmas
Kendyl L. R. Gibbons

Affirming LGBTQ Identity in UU Paganism
Michael Walker

A Wiccan Ally’s Perspective
Michelle Mueller

Welcoming the Gods into Our Congregation
Sue Nading

A Journey of Service
Jerrie Kishpaugh Hildebrand

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
Shirley Ann Ranck

Rise Up & Call Her Name
Elizabeth Fisher

A Difference of Just a Few Words
Paul L’Herrou

Thirty Years of CUUPS
David Pollard

Changing Unitarian Universalist Thea/ology
Shirley Ann Ranck

Drumbeats in the Sanctuary
Carole Etzler Eagleheart

Designing Ritual for All
Maggie Beaumont

Earth Song: Pagan Chant in UU Churches
Nancy Vedder-Shults

Cultural Sharing and Misappropriation
Carol Bodeau



We have learned that the original word Paganus simply meant “country person.” As Christianity spread, it was strongest in the cities, and the country people often kept to their own old traditions. So Pagan or “country person” gradually became a derogatory term for non-Christians. When we came to discuss the title of this book, we decided to be inclusive and to use both Pagan and Earth-centered to describe the voices included.

But what unites everyone with different belief systems and practices who identify with either of these terms within Unitarian Universalism? Broadly stated, we place a special emphasis in our spiritual lives on the feminine aspect of divinity, the cycles of nature, the honoring of our ancestors, and the inherent divine and creative potential in all people.
—from the Introduction

An essential—and remarkably heartfelt—introduction to the development and blossoming of Unitarian Universalist Paganism.
-—Anne Newkirk Niven, editor and publisher of SageWoman and Witches&Pagans

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