New UU Values items coming Fall 2024!
Celebrate and spread the living tradition of Unitarian Universalism with this bundle of 25 of our enormously popular Love is at the Center bookmarks featuring the following Unitarian Universalist values:
This item marks the Unitarian Universalist Association’s current and ongoing efforts to live into the Unitarian Universalism of the future by reviewing and making changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Known as Principles and Purposes, Article II is the foundation for all the work of the UUA and its member congregations and covenanted communities. It is the covenant to which these groups and individuals pledge themselves when they become members.
To join the conversation and learn more about this work of the Article II Study Commission, the UUA Board, the Commission on Appraisal, and numerous grassroots groups which encouraged us to take a look at our principles, purposes, bylaws and rules, click here.