Product Code: 7234
ISBN: 9780687049349
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Published Date: 05/30/2001
Availability:In stock
Price: $11.00

An upgrade to the ground-breaking book that has shown thousands of congregations how to overcome the destructive attitudes and systems.

Drawing on the stories of exciting new congregations that have arisen within the last few years, Bandy sharpens his portrayal of the thriving church system, demonstrating its essential concern for savvy awareness of the larger culture.

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Preface: The Challenge to “Thrive”

The New Church Addiction Stress Test
Chapter 1: Discerning the Spirit: Distinguishing Between Authentic Calls and Destructive Addictions

Part One: THE Systems of Church Live
Chapter 2: The Declining Church System
Chapter 3: The Thriving Church System
Chapter 4: comparing the Two Systems

Part Two: The Organization Behind the System
Chapter 5: The Declining Church Organization
Chapter 6: The Thriving Church Organization

Part Three: From Here to There: Transforming The Church Organization
Chapter 7: Stage 1: Shared Vision
Chapter 8: Stage 2: Congregational Spirituality
Chapter 9: Stage 3: Redefining Leadership Roles
Chapter 10: Stage 4: Streamlining Organization
Chapter 11: Stage 5: Birthing the New System

Part Four: Welcome Relief!
Chapter 12: The Theological Debate

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