Skinner House Books

Skinner House Books publishes titles directly aimed at the spiritual needs of Unitarian Universalists, seekers, and others who share the values of liberal religion.Skinner House publishes worship and church resources, books on theology and religious history, books for children and families, introductions to Unitarian Universalism, pastoral resources, and religious commentary on current issues and social justice concerns.While all Skinner House books express the Principles of Unitarian Universalism, many are distributed to the general public and accessible to people of all faiths or none.Content from Skinner House books is woven throughout Unitarian Universalist ministerial formation, preaching and worship, religious education, small group ministry, outreach, and programming at congregational and national levels.

Items 49 - 60 of 177

Evensong, Volume 1
Author: Barbara Hamilton-Holway
Product Code: 1093
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 09/01/1999
Small group ministry.
Price: $16.00
Everyday Spiritual Practice
Editor: Scott W. Alexander
Product Code: 5666
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 01/01/1999

Have you wondered how to integrate your heartfelt beliefs into your daily life? Here nearly 40 contributors ponder this creative dilemma and share their discoveries. Creating a home altar, practicing martial arts, fasting, quilting — these are just some of the ways they've found to make every day more meaningful and satisfying.

Price: $16.00
Faith for the Unbeliever
Author: Daniel Chesney Kanter
Product Code: 6530
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 05/31/2017

Reflections on faith, especially for those who are not traditionally religious. Using engaging stories, and with reflection questions after each chapter, this small book of wisdom helps to make faith more accessible for all.

Price: $14.00
Faith on Trial
Author: Mark J. T. Caggiano
Product Code: 6608
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 09/15/2021

In Faith on Trial, Mark Caggiano invites religious progressives and moderates to help put social progress and inclusion at the center of the national conversation about religion and the law.

Price: $20.00
Faith Without Certainty
Author: Paul Rasor
Product Code: 6055
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 04/25/2005

Much more than a primer, Rasor writes for clergy, theology students, and interested laypeople who want to better understand the liberal religious tradition.

Price: $18.00
Faithful Practices
Author: Erik Walker Wikstrom
Product Code: 5599
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 04/06/2018

An eclectic mix of contributors share their reflections about spiritual practices in their everyday lives and provide models for those seeking a practice of their own.

Price: $18.00
Finding the Voice Inside
Author: Gail Collins-Ranadive
Product Code: 3781
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 04/01/2002
Writing exercises explore feminine spirituality.
Price: $14.00
From Zip Lines to Hosaphones
Author: Jane Rzepka
Product Code: 3819
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 05/27/2011
Jane Rzepka's stories are about life as a Unitarian Universalist, and what the world looks like from a deeply Unitarian Universalist perspective.
Price: $14.00
Authors: Bill Hamilton-Holway, Tony Bushman
Product Code: 1014
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 10/13/2006
Covenant group ministry session plans, with hands-on activities for participants.
Price: $10.00
Gay Marriage, Real Life
Author: Michelle Bates Deakin
Product Code: 3969
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 12/01/2005
This intimate account of ten same-sex couples brings to life how the decision to marry has affected them and their extended families
Price: $14.00
God's Dog
Illustrated By: Glen Strock   Author: Webster Kitchell
Product Code: 4388
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 06/01/1992
Over coffee and donuts, the clergyman and Coyote discuss the nature of the universe.
Price: $10.00
Goodness Gracious
Author: Kathleen Green   Illustrated by: Lori McElrath Eslick
Product Code: 3671
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 06/17/2019
Help children cultivate a practice of gratitude and a sense of wonder for the world around them.
Price: $14.00
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